OpenAI API Key

If you already have an OpenAI account, skip to key generation.


Account Sign Up

Head to OpenAI website (opens in a new tab).

Create an account

You can then log in with the email address and password linked to your OpenAI account or with your existing Google or Microsoft account.

Billing Settings


The OpenAI API is currently not available for free. You need an API Key issued with a paid account to use this workflow, or you will get openai.error.RateLimitError.

Go to the Billing overview (opens in a new tab).


Set up paid account


Key Generation

Go to the API Keys page (opens in a new tab).

API Keys page

Create a new API Key

Click the Create new secret key button. Create new secret key

Enter the name of the API Key and click the Create secret key button. secret key name input

Copy the API Key.

This key will be used in the next GitHub repository setup. Do not close the tab or make a temporary note of it somewhere. secret key